Fair Housing Champion Challenge



As your REALTOR® association, we’re doing our part to identify opportunities for diversity and inclusion conversation and education – and to promote the practice of inclusion and equity among our leadership, members, staff and within the industry.

With this in mind, take the LGAAR Fair Housing Champion Challenge to give participants the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion and achieve personal growth and support your business.


The program features three key diversity training elements, which we encourage all interested members to take part in:

The At Home with Diversity (AHWD) certification course (https://www.nar.realtor/at-home-with-diversity)

NAR’s Fairhaven fair housing simulation (https://fairhaven.realtor/)

NAR’s Bias Override: Overcoming Barriers to Fair Housing video (https://www.nar.realtor/videos/bias-override-overcoming-barriers-to-fair-housing)


To share your completion of the program, you will need to submit the following to chrissy.rose@lgaar.org

Fairhaven completion certificate

2 key takeaways from Implicit Bias Training Video

AHWD Completion Certificate